The Samsung Galaxy S4 launches
Sunday, April 7, 2013

"Its time for smartphones to get smarter." Thats the message from the mobile community as Samsung prepares to unleash its latest game-changing smartphone, the Galaxy S4 on Thursday night.
In the final part of our interview with research firm IDCs mobile guru Ramon Llamas, he tells us that Samsung has an opportunity to enter uncharted territory by revamping features like voice control to help the device to become a true personal assistant, rather than something we can bark orders at.
Whether it arrives with the Galaxy S4 tomorrow night or not, Llamas envisions a handset which users can have an actual conversation with in the not-too-distant future.
He told T3: "Your devices are already smart and needs to become smarter and more aware of what’s going on. All of the information coming through cellular or Wi-Fi needs to be rationalised with the data you already have on your phone to act like a true personal assistant.
"Samsung S-Voice came out last year. I thought it was OK, but lets take it to the next level and improve the feedback mechanism. How about if the Galaxy S4 was able to tell you, without pushing a button, You have an appointment at 2pm with Ramon Llamos. You just received an email to say he’s running late. Can you do it at 2:30 instead?.
"In the movie Iron Man, Tony Stark is able to have a full conversation with his armour. We need the same thing with smartphones. It’ll need to be able to know what’s going on around you, know what you and your other friends are up to, know what you have planned ahead and it’ll tell you how to optimise your trip, your route, etc. Let’s optimise all of the events going on so you can be on your merry way faster and easier."
Llamas wasnt brave enough to predict that the S4 will realise the era of the mobile personal assistant though, adding: "We might not see this with the S4, but it has to be at least in the planning stages. If you take a look at all of the things they made the S3 do, what seems to be a reasonable target to accomplish, I don’t think we’re that far off from having something that much smarter on your person."
Is dramatically improved voice control something well see on the Samsung Galaxy S4 when it is unleashed at a glitzy event in New York on Thursday night? Not long to find out. Well be live-blogging the event from 11pm UK time and will be there to get hands-on with the device with a quickness.