How to hard reset HP iPAQ 910
Friday, April 5, 2013

Resetting is a procedure to bring a device to its original state. When a user reset his/her device it looks like when it came from factory so resetting sometimes called ‘factory resetting’. And resetting removes all user data from device. There are two types of resetting one called ‘soft reset’ and another called ‘hard reset’ but many cell phone user call reset as many names such as ,factory reset, full reset, master reset, format, full format, full restore, master restore, full factory restore and so on. Many mobile phone company offer many way to reset their mobile. Sometimes you have to power on mobile and sometimes you need not power on phone. And here I will discuss you how to reset HP iPAQ 910. You may also ask as:
How to format HP iPAQ 910.
How to erase HP iPAQ 910.
How to restore HP iPAQ 910.
How to factory reset HP iPAQ 910.
How to master reset HP iPAQ 910.
How to hard reset HP iPAQ 910.
How to full reset HP iPAQ 910.

• Switch off your HP iPAQ.
• Press the OK button placed on the right side of the device and the Voice Commander Button placed on the left side of the device.
• Keeping the OK and the Voice Commander buttons pressed; use the stylus to lightly press the Reset button after that free the Reset button.
• Free the OK and the Voice Commander Button when Clean Boot shown on the display.
Please keep in mind that sometimes hard reset may harmful for your mobile, so execute it if your device really needs it. Do not forget to back up your valuable data into a safe media because all date will be lost after hard reset.