Posted by Unknown
Thursday, April 11, 2013

We have yet to live in a future where everything is voice controlled, just like how the Star Trek movies work. You know, there is just something that I don’t quite get in Star Trek, why address the computer as, well, “computer”? “Computer, do this..” and “Computer, do that..”, instead of giving it a name that would make it more personal. Imagine if the name itself was just one syllable long – you would be able to fire off commands faster than ever, and that microsecond could mean the difference between life and death, especially when it comes to a high tech space age. Thing is, we have yet to arrive in such a century – at least not now, so we will just have to be content with far less mature products like Clarity’s Amplified Captioned Telephone. Basically, the Amplified Captioned Telephone by Clarity intends to help out those who have hearing difficulties in order to better understand what is being said over the phone. Using the same kind of technology that Japanese company NTT DoCoMo’s Hanashite Hon’yaku app employs, it boasts of speech-to-text software which is capable of translating calls between people who speak different languages. The Amplified Captioned Telephone will target seniors, and whenever it detects an active call, the screen will switch to show off a text transcription of the conversation so that one can keep up. The Amplified Captioned Telephone will retail for $229, and it seems to be a US-only device at time of publishing.