iPhone 4S caught fire in the pocket of a teenager video
Monday, June 3, 2013
17-year-old from Finland claims that iPhone 4S spontaneously kindled in his pocket. The incident was captured on surveillance camera protection. Video was then purchased by the Finnish news site Kauppalehti and posted to the network.
On the record shows how out of his pocket a 17-year old Finn Gelminena Henry (Henri Helminen) suddenly starts to bring down the smoke. He pulls out his smartphone and throws him to the ground. "Phone worked perfectly," - said the injured site Kauppalehti. According to Henry Gelminena, he bought the iPhone 4S is not more than three months ago. The video phone model is impossible to discern.
it is not the first report of vozgorevshemsya smartphone Apple. In 2011, the Australian airline announced that the iPhone 4 for the flight began to overheat and smoke. The case was referred to the Bureau of Transportation Safety. They concluded that the problem was in the apparatus, and its cause was a bad phone repair. A week after this incident it was reported that the spontaneous ignition of the iPhone 4 in Brazil, but the investigation of this case was not conducted.
In late June, became aware of a similar incident involving a smartphone Samsung Galaxy S III. The device spontaneously burst into flames in the car holder, while the phone owner to drive. Samsung said it will investigate the case and is ready to give an opinion after it receives at the hands of the victim model.